

Graduate Students:

If you are interested in doing your MSc or PhD with me, and you have a strong background or potential in theoretical physics, computational physics, or biological physics, then get in touch with me directly. Also, do a pre-application to the department (no fee required). While sometimes I will have funds for a student without fellowship support, typically you need to have a strong chance of getting support in the future. This can be NSERC PGSM support (typically GPA 3.9+) or NS government fellowship (typically GPA 3.7+). Some of these are open to international students as well.

Undergraduate Students:

I'm always happy to supervise a 4th year honours project in biological physics, soft-condensed matter, statistical physics, or medical science. Summer is also a wonderful time to do science. I work one-on-one with summer research students. I have a good record of publications with students. NSERC USRA or other funding is a strong plus (see link here, but apply through Dal physics).


I generally do not have postdoc funding. Externally funded postdocs are always welcome.