- Inferring and predicting Fried physical frailty phenotype deficits, Glen Pridham, Kenneth Rockwood, and Andrew Rutenberg,
(preprint) (2025).
- Dynamical modelling of the frailty index indicates that health reaches a tipping point near age 75, Glen Pridham, Kenneth Rockwood, and Andrew Rutenberg,
(preprint) (2025).
- Systems-level health of patients living with end-stage kidney disease using standard lab values, Glen Pridham, Karthik Tennankore, Kenneth Rockwood, George Worthen, and Andrew Rutenberg,
(preprint) (2024).
- Uncovering the multivariate genetic architecture of frailty with genomic structural equation modelling, Foote, I; Flint, J; Fürtjes, A; Mullin, D; Fisk, J; Karakach, T; Rutenberg, A; Martin, N; Lupton, K; Llewellyn, D; Ranson, J; Cox, S; Luciano, M; Rockwood, K; Grotzinger, A.
(preprint) (2024).
- Using deep-learning to obtain calibrated individual disease and ADL damage transition probabilities between successive ELSA waves, Emre Dil and A Rutenberg,
(preprint) (2024).
- Anisotropic swelling due to hydration in fibrous biomaterials, Xander Gouws, Laurent Kreplak, and A Rutenberg,
JMBBM 160106749 (2024).
- Dynamical network stability analysis of multiple biological ages provides a framework for understanding the aging process, G Pridham and A Rutenberg,
Journals of Gerontology A (2024).
- Network dynamical stability analysis of homeostasis reveals "mallostasis": biological equilibria drifting towards worsening health with age, G Pridham and A Rutenberg,
Scientific Reports 13 22140 (2023).
- Modelling disease impact: lifespan reduction is greatest for young adults in an exogenous damage model of disease, R Tobin, G Pridham, and A Rutenberg,
Scientific Reports 13 16304 (2023).
- Torsion and Bistability of Double-twist Elastomers, M Leighton, L Kreplak, and A Rutenberg,
Soft Matter 19 6376-6386 (2023).
- Efficient representations of binarized health deficit data: the frailty index and beyond, G Pridham, K Rockwood, and A Rutenberg,
Geroscience 45 1687-1711 (2023).
- Network topologies for maximal organismal health span and lifespan, Garrett Stubbings and AD Rutenberg,
Chaos 33 023124 (2023).
- A complex systems approach to aging biology, AA Cohen, L Ferrucci, T Fulop, D Gravel, N Hao, A Kriete, ME Levine, LA Lipsitz, MGM Olde Rikkert, A Rutenberg, N Stroustrup, and R Varadhan, Nature Aging 2 580 (2022).
- Measurements of damage and repair of binary health attributes in aging mice and humans reveal that robustness and resilience decrease with age, operate over broad timescales, and are affected differently by interventions, Spencer Farrell, Alice Kane, Elise Bissett, Susan Howlett, and AD Rutenberg, eLife 11 e77632 (2022).
- Strategies for handling missing data that improve Frailty Index estimation and predictive power: lessons from the NHANES dataset, Glen Pridham, Ken Rockwood, and AD Rutenberg, Geroscience 44 897 (2022).
- Interpretable machine learning for high-dimensional trajectories of aging health, Spencer Farrell, Arnold Mitnitski, Kenneth Rockwood, and AD Rutenberg, PLoS Computational Biology 18 e1009746 (2022).
- D-band strain underestimates collagen fibril strain, Matthew P Leighton, AD Rutenberg, and Laurent Kreplak,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 124 104854 (2021).
- A quantile frailty index without dichotomization, Garrett Stubbings, Kenneth Rockwood, Arnold Mitnitski, and AD Rutenberg, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 199 111570 (2021).
- Non-Fickian single-file pore transport, Spencer Farrell and AD Rutenberg, PRE Letters 104 L032102 (2021). [PDF]
- The degree of frailty as a translational measure of health in aging, Susan E Howlett, AD Rutenberg, and Kenneth Rockwood, Nature Aging 1 651 (2021).
- Chiral phase-coexistence in compressed double-twist elastomers, Matthew P Leighton, Laurent Kreplak, and AD Rutenberg, Soft Matter 17 5018 (2021).
- Non-equilibrium growth and twist of cross-linked collagen fibrils, Matthew P Leighton, Laurent Kreplak, and AD Rutenberg, Soft Matter 17 1415 (2021).
- The potential for complex computational models of aging, Spencer Farrell, Garrett Stubbings, Kenneth Rockwood, Arnold Mitnitski, and AD Rutenberg, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 193 111403 (2021).
- Generating individual aging trajectories with a network model using cross-sectional data, Spencer Farrell, Arnold Mitnitski, Kenneth Rockwood, and AD Rutenberg, Scientific Reports 10 19833 (2020).
- Phase-field collagen fibrils: Coupling chirality and density modulations, Samuel Cameron, Laurent Kreplak, and AD Rutenberg, Physical Review Research 2 012070(R) (2020).
- Informative Frailty Indices from Binarized Biomarkers, Garrett M Stubbings, Spencer Farrell, A Mitnitski, K Rockwood, and AD Rutenberg, Biogerontology 21 345-355 (2020).
- Bayesian Counting of Photobleaching Steps with Physical Priors, Jon Garry, Yuchong Li, Brandon Shew, CC Gradinaru, and AD Rutenberg, Journal of Chemical Physics 152 024110 (2020).
- Probing the network structure of health deficits in human aging, SG Farrell, AB Mitnitski, O Theou, K Rockwood, and AD Rutenberg, Physical Review E 98 032302 (2018).
- Anomalously slow transport in single-file diffusion with slow binding kinetics, Spencer Farrell and AD Rutenberg, Physical Review E 98 022114 (2018).
- Polymorphism of Stable Collagen Fibrils, Sam Cameron, Laurent Kreplak, and AD Rutenberg, Soft Matter 14 4772-4783 (2018).
- Unifying aging and frailty through complex dynamical networks, AD Rutenberg, AB Mitnitski, S Farrell, and K Rockwood, Experimental Gerontology 107 126 (2018).
- Unlocking collagen proteolysis with a gentle pull, L Kreplak and AD Rutenberg, Biophysical Journal 114 503 (2018).
- Photobleaching of randomly-rotating fluorescently-decorated particles, S Taneja and AD Rutenberg, Journal of Chemical Physics 147 104105 (2017).
- Aging and frailty in Complex Networks, AB Mitnitski, AD Rutenberg, SG Farrell, and K Rockwood, Biogerontology 18 433 (2017).
- Modelling autophagy selectivity by receptor clustering on peroxisomes, Aidan I Brown and Andrew D Rutenberg, Frontiers in Physics 5 14 (2017).
- Network model of human aging: frailty limits and information measures, Spencer G Farrell, Arnold B Mitnitski, Kenneth Rockwood, and Andrew D Rutenberg, Physical Review E 94 052409 (2016).
- alphaTAT1 controls longitudinal spreading of acetylation marks from open microtubules extremities, Nathalie Ly, Nadia Elkhatib, Enzo Bresteau, Olivier Pietrement, Mehdi Khaled, Maria Magiera, Carsten Janke, Eric Le Cam, Andrew D Rutenberg, and Guillaume Montagnac, Scientific Reports 6 35624 (2016).
- Uniform spatial distribution of collagen fibril radii within tendon implies local activation of pC-collagen at individual fibrils, Andrew D Rutenberg, Aidan I Brown, and Laurent Kreplak, Physical Biology 13 046008 (2016).
- A dynamical network model for age-related health deficits and mortality, Swadhin Taneja, Arnold B Mitnitski, Kenneth Rockwood, and Andrew D Rutenberg, Physical Review E 93 022309 (2016).
- Single file diffusion into a semi-infinite tube, Spencer Farrell, Aidan I Brown, and Andrew D Rutenberg, Physical Biology 12 064001 (2015).
- Cluster coarsening on drops exhibits strong and sudden size selectivity, Aidan I Brown and Andrew D Rutenberg, Soft Matter 11 3786 (2015).
- Lateral exchange smooths the way for vimentin filaments, Laurent Kreplak and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Biophysical Journal 107 2747 (2014).
- An equilibrium double-twist model for the radial structure of collagen fibrils, Aidan I Brown, Laurent Kreplak, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Soft Matter 10 8500 (2014).
- Protein translocation without specific quality control in a computational model of the Tat system, Chitra R Nayak, Aidan I Brown, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 11 056005 (2014).
- PEX16 contributes to peroxisome maintenance by constantly trafficking PEX3 via the ER, Alexander Aranovich, Rong Hua, Andrew D. Rutenberg, and Peter K Kim, J Cell Science 127 3675 (2014).
- Circumferential gap propagation in an anisotropic elastic bacterial sacculus, Swadhin Taneja, Ben Levitan, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review E 89 e012704 (2014).
- A storage-based model of heterocyst commitment and patterning in cyanobacteria, Aidan Brown and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 11 016001 (2014).
- PEX5 and ubiquitin dynamics on mammalian peroxisome membranes, Aidan Brown, Peter Kim, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, PLoS Computational Biology 10 e1003426 (2014).
- Stuttering Min oscillations within E. coli bacteria: a stochastic polymerization model, Supratim Sengupta, Julien Derr, Anirban Sain, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 9 056003 (2012).
- Heterocyst placement strategies to maximize growth of cyanobacterial filaments, Aidan I. Brown and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 9 046002 (2012).
- Reconciling cyanobacterial fixed-nitrogen distributions and transport experiments with quantitative modelling, Aidan I. Brown and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 9 016007 (2012).
- Quantification of fluorophore copy number from intrinsic fluctuations during fluorescence photobleaching, Chitra R Nayak and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Biophysical Journal 101 2284-2293 (2011).
- Monodisperse domains by proteolytic control of the coarsening instability, Julien Derr and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review E 84 011928 (2011).
- Effects of Poly(L-lysine) Substrates on Attached Escherichia coli Bacteria, Keegan Colville, Nicolas Tompkins, Andrew D. Rutenberg, and Manfred H. Jericho, Langmuir 26 2639 (2010).
- Subcellular Min oscillations as a single-cell reporter of the action of polycations, protamine, and gentamicin on Escherichia coli, Benjamin P. B. Downing, Andrew D. Rutenberg, Ahmed Touhami, and Manfred Jericho, PLoS ONE 4(9) e7285 (2009).
- Self-organization of the MinE protein ring in subcellular Min oscillations, Julien Derr, Jason T. Hopper, Anirban Sain, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review E 80 011922 (2009).
- Pulling helices inside bacteria: imperfect helices and rings, Jun F. Allard and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review Letters 102 158105 (2009).
- Heterocyst patterns without patterning proteins in cyanobacterial filaments, Jun F. Allard, Alison L. Hill, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Developmental Biology 312 427-434 (2007).
- Steady-state MreB helices inside bacteria: dynamics without motors, Jun F. Allard and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review E 76 031916 (2007).
- Modeling partitioning of Min proteins between daughter cells after septation in Escherichia coli, Supratim Sengupta and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Biology 4,
145-153 (2007).
- Clocking out: modeling phage induced lysis of E. coli, Gillian L Ryan and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Journal of Bacteriology 189, 4749 (2007).
- Temperature dependence of MinD oscillation in Escherichia Coli: running hot and fast, Ahmed Touhami, Manfred Jericho, and Andrew D. Rutenberg, J. Bact. 188, 7661 (2006).
- Scaling State of dry two-dimensional froths: universal angle deviations and structure, Andrew D. Rutenberg and Micah B. McCurdy, Phys. Rev. E 73, 11403 (2006).
- Maximally-fast coarsening algorithms, Mowei Cheng and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physical Review E 72 R55701 (2005).
- Fast and Accurate Coarsening Simulation with an Unconditionally Stable
Time Step, Benjamin P. Vollmayr-Lee and Andrew D. Rutenberg, Phys. Rev. E 68, 66703 (2003).
- Diffusion of Asymmetric Swimmers, A.D. Rutenberg, A.J. Richardson, C.J. Montgomery. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 80601 (2003).
- Pattern formation inside bacteria: fluctuations due to low copy number of proteins, Martin Howard and Andrew Rutenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 128102 (2003).
- Dislocations and morphological instabilities: Continuum modeling of misfitting heteroepitaxial films, Mikko Haataja, Judith Muller, A. D. Rutenberg, Martin Grant, PRB 65, 165414 (2002).
- AFM Roughness Changes in Electrode materials for Li-Ion Batteries, L. Y. Beaulieu, A. D. Rutenberg, and J. R. Dahn, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 8, 422 (2002).
- Dynamic compartmentalization of bacteria: accurate division in E. coli, Martin Howard, Andrew Rutenberg, and Simon de Vet, PRL 87, 278102 (2001).
- Dynamics of dislocations and surface instabilities in misfitting heteroepitaxial films, Mikko Haataja, Judith Muller, A. D. Rutenberg, Martin Grant, PRB 65, 35401 (2001).
- Curved Tails in Polymerization-Based Bacterial Motility, A. D. Rutenberg and M. Grant, PRE 64, 21904 (2001).
- Microbial response to surface microtopography: the role of metabolism in localized mineral dissolution, Katrina J. Edwards and A. D. Rutenberg, Chemical Geology 180, 19 (2001).
- Cluster Persistence: a Non-Topological Probe of Soap Froth Dynamics, W. Y. Tam, A. D. Rutenberg, B. P. Vollmayr-Lee, and K. Y. Szeto. EPL 51, 223 (2000).
- Anisotropic Coarsening: Grain Shapes and Nonuniversal Persistence, A. D. Rutenberg and B. P. Vollmayr-Lee, PRL 83, 3772 (1999).
- Triangular anisotropies in Driven Diffusive Systems: reconciliation of Up and Down, A. D. Rutenberg and C. Yeung, PRE 60, 2710 (1999).
- Dynamical Scaling: the Two-Dimensional XY Model Following a Quench, F. Rojas and A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 60, 212 (1999).
- Reaction Zones and
Quenched Charged-Particle Systems with Long-Range Interactions, A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 58, 2918 (1998).
Persistence, Poisoning, and Autocorrelations in Dilute Coarsening, B. P. Lee and A. D. Rutenberg, PRL 79, 4842 (1997).
- Dynamical Multiscaling in Quenched Skyrme Systems, A. D. Rutenberg , W. J. Zakrzewski and M. Zapotocky, EPL 39, 49 (1997).
- Stress-free Spatial Anisotropy in Phase-Ordering, A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 54, R2181 (1996).
- Non-equilibrium Phase-Ordering with a Global Conservation Law, A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 54, 972 (1996).
- Comment on ``Theory of Spinodal Decomposition'', A. D. Rutenberg, PRL 76, 158 (1996).
- The Energy-Scaling Approach to Phase-Ordering Growth Laws, A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray, PRE 51, 5499 (1995).
- Scaling Violations with Textures in Two-Dimensional Phase-Ordering, A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 51, R2715 (1995).
- Phase Ordering of 2D XY Systems Below T_KT, A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray, PRE 51, R1641 (1995).
- Unwinding Scaling Violations in Phase Ordering, A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray, PRL 74, 3836 (1995).
- Phase Ordering Kinetics of One-Dimensional Non-Conserved Scalar Systems, A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray, PRE 50, 1900 (1994).
- Growth Laws for Phase Ordering, A. J. Bray and A. D. Rutenberg, PRE 49, R27 (1994).
- Classical Antiferromagnets on the Kagome Lattice, David A. Huse and Andrew D. Rutenberg, PRB 45, R7536 (1992).,
- Elasticity of a Percolation System: Silica Smoke, J. Forsman, J. P. Harrison, and A. Rutenberg, Can. J. Phys. 65, 767 (1987).
Non Peer-reviewed Publications
- Small group mentoring of physics majors: the Dalhousie experience, Andrew Rutenberg, Physics in Canada 65 217 (2009).
- So you want to be a grad student?, Andrew D. Rutenberg, CUPJ VI.2 32 (2008).
- Biological Physics of Bacteria, Andrew D. Rutenberg, CUPJ VI.3 7 (2008).
- Bacterial Biophysics, Andrew D. Rutenberg, Physics in Canada 60, 83 (2004).